The 55th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) will take place from June 3-7, 2024 at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, TX, USA. Many of the researchers s from QSA’s partner institutions will attend and present. QSA looks forward to hearing about all the exciting research in quantum information science (QIS) and technology.
Browse the topics by dates below:

June 4
Presenter: Liudmila Zhukas
QSA Affiliation: Duke
QSA PI(s): Iman Marvian, Christopher Monroe
Title: Experimental observation of symmetry-protected signatures of N-body interactions
Session Information: Session B06: Manybody Quantum Science
Time: 11:21-11:33 a.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Wes Johnson
QSA Affiliation: NIST/Boulder
QSA PI(s): John Bolinger
Title: Rapid millikelvin laser cooling of in-plane motion of 2D planar Penning trap ion crystals for enhanced quantum sensing and simulation experiments
Session Information: Session B08: Control and Interactions in Trapped Ions
Time: 11:45-11:57 a.m.
Location: 203B
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Samarth Hawaldar
QSA Affiliation: NIST/Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, John Bollinger
Title: Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing: Equilibrium structure and normal modes
Session Information: Session B08: Control and Interactions in Trapped Ions
Time: 12:21-12:33 p.m.
Location: 203B
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Athreya Shankar
QSA Affiliation: NIST/Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, John Bollinger
Title: Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing: Quantum control and applications
Session Information: Session B08: Control and Interactions in Trapped Ions
Time: 12:33-12:45 p.m.
Location: 203B
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Airnjoy De
QSA Affiliation: Duke, University of Maryland
QSA PI(s): Alexey Gorshkov and Chrstopher Monroe
Title: Observation of string-breaking and charge confinement in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Session Information: Session C06: Quantum Simulation I
Time: 2:00-2:12 p.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Sophie H Li
QSA Affiliation: Harvard, MIT
QSA PI(s): Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletic, Misha Lukin
Title: Quantum coarsening dynamics on a locally programmable atom array
Session Information: Session C06: Quantum Simulation I
Time: 3:36-3:48 p.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Max N Frankel
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, Jun Ye
Title: Probing superexchange interactions in a 3D optical lattice clock
Session Information: Session DOO: Poster Session I
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Calder Miller
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Jun Ye
Title: Controlling a many-body spin system of polar molecules
Session Information: Session DOO: Poster Session I
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Ethan R Clements
QSA Affiliation: MIT, MIT LL
QSA PI(s): John Chiaverini
Title: Integrated photonics for photon mediated entanglement generation and sub-Doppler cooling
Session Information: Session D00: Poster Session II
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Gaurav M Vaidya
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Adam Kaufman
Title: Using Rydberg-mediated atoms in the 171 Yb omg architecture for entanglement generation
Session Information: Session D00: Poster Session II
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Kenneth Wang
QSA Affiliation: Harvard University
QSA PI(s): Kang-Kuen Ni
Title: A Dual Species Optical Tweezer Array of Na and Cs Atoms
Session Information: Session D00: Poster Session II
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
June 5
Presenter: Christian Hallas
QSA Affiliation: Harvard University
QSA PI(s): John Doyle
Title: Blue-Detuned Magneto-Optical Trap of Polyatomic Molecules
Session Information: Session F08: Laser Cooling of Molecules
Time: 8:36-8:48 a.m.
Location: 203B
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Chengyi Luo
QSA Affiliation: JILA/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson
Title: Cavity-Mediated Interaction in a Bragg Interferometer (II): Hamiltonian Engineering for Momentum States
Session Information: Session FO6: Quantum Simulation II
Time: 8:36-8:48 a.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Keqin Yan
QSA Affiliation: Duke
QSA PI(s): Marko Cetina, Crystal Noel, Alexander Kozhanov, Chris Monroe
Title: OMG Architecture Implementation in 171Yb+ Ion Chains
Session Information: Session F04: Quantum Gates for Trapped Ions
Time: 8:36-8:48 a.m.
Location: 201BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Dylan Young
QSA Affiliation: JILA/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson
Title: Exploring BCS-like Dynamical Phases in a Multilevel Atomic System
Session Information: Session F06: Quantum Simulation II
Time: 8:48-9:00 a.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Annette N Carroll
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, Jun Ye
Title: Dimension-Dependent, Tunable Spin Dynamics with Itinerant Ultracold Polar Molecules
Session Information: Session G05: Novel Phases of Cold Atoms, Ions, and Molecules
Time: 10:42-10:54 a.m.
Location: 202AB
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Daniel Mark
QSA Affiliation: MIT, CalTech
QSA PI(s): Manuel Endres
Title: Universal distributions and noise falsification from bitstring measurements
Session Information: Session G06: Quantum Simulation III
Time: 10:42-10:54 a.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Kenneth Wang
QSA Affiliation: Harvard University, University of California, Berkeley
QSA PI(s): Kang-Kuen Ni and Norman Yao
Title: Probing Critical Phenomena in Open Quantum Systems Using a Cs Atom Array
Session Information: Session G06: Quantum Simulation III
Time: 11:54-12:06 p.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Aruku Senoo
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Adam Kaufman
Title: Progress towards multi-particle entanglement generation and manipulation in an optical tweezer array of 171Yb nuclear-spin qubits
Session Information: Session J06: Quantum Computation with Atom Arrays
Time: 2:36-2:48 p.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Tamara Sumarac
QSA Affiliation: Harvard, MIT
QSA PI(s): Misha Luking, Vladan Vuletic
Title: Long range detection of a single Rydberg qubit via hopping with Rydberg polariton
Session Information: Session J06: Quantum Computation with Atom Arrays
Time: 3:48-4:00 p.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: William J Eckner
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Jun Ye, Adam Kaufman
Title: Spin squeezing with Rydberg interactions in a neutral-atom optical-clock platform
Session Information: Session K00: Poster Session II
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Jinen Guo
QSA Affiliation: Harvard, MIT
QSA PI(s): Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletic, Misha Lukin
Title: Next-Generation Rydberg Atom Array Quantum Platform
Session Information: Session K00: Poster Session II
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Theodor Lukin Yelin
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Adam Kaufman
Title: Multi-qubit Gates and Metrology using GHZ states in an Optical Clock
Session Information: Session K00: Poster Session II
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Yichao Yu
QSA Affiliation: Duke
QSA PI(s): Marko Cetina, Crystal Noel, Alexander Kozhanov, Chris Monroe
Title: Mid-circuit partial measurement on Yb171 using the OMG architecture
Session Information: Session K00: Poster Session II
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
June 6
Presenter: Wenchao Ge
QSA Affiliation: NIST/Boulder
QSA PI(s): John Bollinger
Title: Triple Quantum-Enhanced Trapped-Ion Sensing
Session Information: Session N06: Quantum Metrology and Sensing with Atoms and Photons II
Time: 9:24-9:36 a.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Simon Hollerith
QSA Affiliation: Harvard, MIT
QSA PI(s): Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletic, Misha Lukin
Title: Next-Generation Rydberg Atom Array Quantum Testbed
Session Information: Session P06: Technical Advances in Atom Arrays
Time: 11:06-11:18 a.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Calder Miller
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder, Harvard
QSA PI(s): Misha Lukin, Jun Ye
Title: Floquet engineering XXZ spin models and two-axis twisting with ultracold molecules
Session Information: Session P04: Driven Quantum Matter and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics
Time: 11:06-11:18 a.m.
Location: 201BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Zhenpu Zhang
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder, Harvard
QSA PI(s): Adam Kaufman, Cindy Regal
Title: A cryogenic neutral atom optical tweezer array
Session Information: Session P06: Technical Advances in Atom Arrays
Time: 12:06-12:18 p.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Thomas Bilitewski
QSA Affiliation: CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey
Title: Out-of-equilibrium dynamics and thermalization of a dipolar spin ladder
Session Information: Session R08: Dynamics of Cold Atoms
Time: 3:00-3:12 p.m.
Location: 203B
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Chitose Maruko
QSA Affiliation: JILA/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Murray Holland, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson
Title: Cavity-mediated Interaction in a Bragg Interferometer: Hamiltonian Engineering and Mössbauer-like Suppression of Doppler Dephasing
Session Information: Session S00: Poster Session III
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Prakriti Shahi
QSA Affiliation: NIST/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, John Bollinger
Title: Prospects for quantum simulations with mixed species crystals in Penning traps
Session Information: Session S00: Poster Session III
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Hall BC
Abstract Link:
June 7
Presenter: James Thompson
QSA Affiliation: JILA/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): James Thompson
Title: Observing dynamical phases of BCS superconductors in a cavity QED simulator
Session Information: Session X04: Atom-Light Interactions in Cavities
Time: 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Location: 201BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Eric Song
QSA Affiliation: JILA/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson
Title: Observation of driven-dissipative transitions in a Strontium cavity-QED System
Session Information: Session X06: Hybrid Quantum Systems
Time: 9:12-9:24 a.m.
Location: 202CD
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Zhijing Niu
QSA Affiliation: JILA/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): James Thompson
Title: Many-body gap-protection of a strontium optical transition against Doppler dephasing via all-to-all exchange interactions mediated by a ring cavity
Session Information: Session X04: Atom-Light Interactions in Cavities
Time: 9:24-9:36 a.m.
Location: 201BC
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Jiaqi You
QSA Affiliation: Harvard
QSA PI(s): Kang-Kuen Ni, John Doyle
Title: Raman sideband cooling of molecules in an optical tweezer array to the 3-D motional ground state
Session Information: Session Y09: Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Dipolar Molecules
Time: 10:42-10:54 a.m.
Location: 203C
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Ingrid H Zimmermann
QSA Affiliation: NIST/CU Boulder
QSA PI(s): Daniel H Slichter
Title: Raman sideband cooling of molecules in an optical tweezer array to the 3-D motional ground state
Session Information: Session Y09: Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Dipolar Molecules
Time: 10:42-10:54 a.m.
Location: 203C
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Yao De George Toh
QSA Affiliation: Duke
QSA PI(s): Chris Monroe
Title: High-rate entanglement generation between ions in a multispecies ion trap using photonic interconnects
Session Information: Session Y10: Quantum Networks
Time: 11:54-12:06 p.m.
Location: 204AB
Abstract Link:
Presenter: Sagnik Saha
QSA Affiliation: Duke
QSA PI(s): Chris Monroe
Title: Remote entanglement of trapped ions using time bin encoded photons
Session Information: Session Y10: Quantum Networks
Time: 12:06-12:18 p.m.
Location: 204AB
Abstract Link:
Founded in 1931 on the belief that the biggest scientific challenges are best addressed by teams, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and its scientists have been recognized with 16 Nobel Prizes. Today, Berkeley Lab researchers develop sustainable energy and environmental solutions, create useful new materials, advance the frontiers of computing, and probe the mysteries of life, matter, and the universe. Scientists from around the world rely on the Lab’s facilities for their own discovery science. Berkeley Lab is a multiprogram national laboratory, managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. DOE’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit
Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Sandia Labs has major research and development responsibilities in nuclear deterrence, global security, defense, energy technologies and economic competitiveness, with main facilities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California.
The Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA) is one of the five National Quantum Information Science Research Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. Led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and with Sandia National Laboratories as lead partner, QSA will catalyze national leadership in quantum information science to co-design the algorithms, quantum devices, and engineering solutions needed to deliver certified quantum advantage in scientific applications. QSA brings together dozens of scientists who are pioneers of many of today’s unique quantum engineering and fabrication capabilities. In addition to industry and academic partners across the world, 15 institutions are part of QSA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, University of Colorado at Boulder, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Caltech, Duke University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, UC Berkeley, University of Maryland, University of New Mexico, University of Southern California, UT Austin, and Canada’s Université de Sherbrooke. For more information, please visit